Kinship care is more than just a placement, it’s an opportunity for stability in the lives of children and youth in a time of transition and uncertainty.

There are many reasons children and youth need out-of-home care and we always want to find the best option for them. Before we consider adoption or foster care, family finding for kinship care in Ontario is what we explore first. Having a connection with the person caring for them, helps many children and youth feel secure when they are not able to live at home. Whether the placement is temporary or long-term, kinship care, when appropriate, helps children and youth keep important connections.

What is kinship care in Ontario?

Kinship care is an important and increasingly popular option for children and youth who are unable to live at home. When we refer to kinship care, we are speaking of placing children and youth with a person they have close ties to. This may be a family member, friend, or community member with close ties with the youth or child.

Family, friends and community coming together to support each other in times of need is not a new concept. The importance of that support is one that we all recognize and that is why kinship care has become a favoured option for Children’s Aid Societies. In Ontario, there are over 3000 children and youth in kinship care, that’s 29% of all children and youth in out-of-home placements. We always work to find the best option possible for the well-being of children and youth in our care and often times there are family, friends or community members that step up to support children and youth in their lives.

Why is Kinship Care Important?

The primary goal of Children’s aid societies within Ontario is to support families so that children and youth can remain at home safely. However, when that is not possible we look for other options whether that is temporary or permanent. Kinship care has become an important part of maintaining the well-being of children and youth who are unable to live at home.

Maintaining Cultural Roots

When children and youth are involved with CAS in any capacity, upholding important traditions, language and values is a priority. Children and youth have a better experience in care when they remain in their community and family. Kinship families are an important part of maintaining the community and family networks of children and youth because you are a part of their network. Kinship families help preserve cultural traditions, languages and values allowing children and youth to thrive and find a sense of belonging.

Reducing Disruption

Transitioning from a home environment to any form of care can be difficult for children and youth. We work hard to minimize disruptions in any way that we can. This is why the first place we look when children or youth cannot live at home is within their network. Kinship care can help minimize some of the disruption that comes from children and youth being separated from their community and connections. Keeping children and youth with someone to whom they have a connection helps minimize the disruption they feel in their relationships and daily routines.

Creating Lifelong Bonds

Connections are important to everyone, especially children and youth, during times of uncertainty. Being placed with someone who is familiar, whether they are related or not helps create stability. The connection between kin and children or youth is one that goes both ways. Your relationship is one that lasts a lifetime and can make a meaningful difference in the lives of children and youth. You can be someone stable and supportive in a time when they need it most.

Watch this video from a kinship family in Sarnia to understand the impact you can make in a child or youth’s life.

What happens while in kinship care?

For many children, youth and even people looking to support children and youth, the uncertainty of what everyday life looks like is a concern. While living with kin, children and youth attend school and participate in activities they enjoy. For many children and youth, their CAS worker is essential to help them get access to the activities they enjoy and bring some normalcy to their lives. This connection they make with their workers stays with them well beyond their time with CAS. Children and youth placed with kin can contact their workers to help find support and programs.

Kinship care is more than just a placement for children and youth, it’s a way for them to stay connected with the people who are important in their lives. Connections to family, friends and community help maintain cultural continuity and provide emotional support during a time of need. As we continue to advocate for the best interests of our children and youth, recognizing and valuing the importance of kinship care is a step toward the well-being of children and youth.

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